The good news!!!!! There is no exam for this course! YOU MUST SIGN UP IN THE FIRST WEEK for AUSARBEITUNG (Assessment) in YOUR

In this course we will be developing our skill at communicating our ideas in spoken and written form. To do this we will develop our ideas  into Business plans which we will present in an persuasive pitch to a jury of investors. Participants of this course are encouraged to work together in small entrepreneurial businesses of 2-3 members.

The assessment will be graded as follows: (all parts MUST BE passed)

Business Plan: 40 % ( Team grade) Completed by 12 July (draft by 5 July)

Monroe persuasive presentation 30% (individual grade) Presentation on: 12 July

Investor panel participation 20%

Communicative challenges 10%  10 points = 5 challenges. Please go to communication challenges page Sose 2024 (Individual grade). Completed by 8 July 2024.

Any further information about the course please attend my office hour at:

Sprechstunden: Donnerstags 12Uhr bis 13Uhr Raum G1 317C
